Rabu, 01 September 2010

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WOMEN think about sex up to 34 times in an average working day, according to a survey.

That works out at the equivalent of once every 14 minutes.

The amount of time spent fantasising is perhaps less surprising given that one in three women complained she does not get enough action between the sheets.

More than 1000 women were quizzed for the survey to reveal the level of sexual satisfaction.

Nearly half said they were dissatisfied with their sex life, prompting them to think about sex during their working day.

And it seems that lust is not just a fleeting thought, with seven in 10 women finding up to an hour a day for their naughty fantasies.

Apart from current partners, celebrities were the most common fantasy figures, closely followed by strangers who women have caught a glimpse of and former lovers.

And 53 per cent admitted to a crush on someone at work, while 36 per cent said every girl should have an "office object of affection" to while away the hours at work.

More than one in three single women confessed to having someone they can call for no-strings-attached sex.

The research, for internet site Dating Direct, also found girls' minds can wander at the most inappropriate times - with 40 per cent fantasising about someone else when in bed with their partner.

Seven per cent had even called out someone else's name while in the throes of passion.

Alistair Shrimpton, head of Dating Direct, said: "Traditionally, it's always been men who are associated with constantly thinking about sex.

"This research shows women know exactly what they want in the bedroom and they are as passionate, if not more so, than men."

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